NOPE...kid can not be without me. No I'm not conceited or anything she seriously is extremely attached to me. I went out this afternoon and was gone for about 3 and a half hours and according to my dear sweet husband she screamed for a large majority of that. She took a break when he put her in the car for a short drive. Screamed through 12 oz. of milk, several diaper changes, and while she was being held. I walked in the house to a screaming child. I walk to her high chair, clearly Ryan is ready to kill himself, and she stops. I look at her, she smiles, sort of reaches my direction. So I pick her up and she's already starting to laugh.
I suppose we're going to look into a Mother's Day out program and I pity the people there for the first week but I can't very well let this go on. I can't leave the house without her. She was doing that cry where even after they stop it takes them a while to stop that whole gasping to get into their regular pattern of breathing.
She's didn't used to be like this.
do we have the same child??
I just want to clarify that she let me hold her while in College Station without much problem. Of course, Mom was in clear sight the whole time.
Separation anxiety tends to rear it's ugly head at this age, looks like you are one of the lucky ones who gets to experience this wonderous joy. Sending her away, which will be great for your own sanity, will not cure her of it. This will have to work its way out on its own, which can stay with them until they are 18 months at times. However, if you are really lucky this can go away in a few weeks. Sometimes the babe chooses a parent to prefer which can be very hard on the parent who does not appear to be the favorite.
Talon was like that with me - especially when Javier got back. I was sick one weekend and slept the whole time. They bonded like no other - so it's MUCH better now!
Leave them for a girl's weekend. They'll be bff by the time you get back!
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