My Madness as a Stay at Home Mom

My Madness as a Stay at Home Mom

Friday, October 30, 2009

how Reese eats a cupcake!

UPDATE! My two friends who commented on this blog are true in their statements. This my friends is a competitive eater in the making. She's taking after her mother, the great "Bad Girl Bading". I can only hope she'll perform as well as I did in my competitive eating glory days. It takes mad talent to hold down a pound of cookies, dream and eat big Reese, it's in your blood.

We went to a birthday party on Saturday evening for one of Reese's good friends Riley. When it was time for the cupcakes my good friend Ashley snapped this picture of Reese diving right in. I'll be honest I go right for the butter cream icing myself. Why mess around.
Have a Happy Halloween. Sister and Sean (the BEST Aunt and Uncle EVER) are coming to visit this weekend. Ryan, Sean, Leslie and Reese will hit the streets for candy. I'm manning the fort and handing out candy to all the little kiddos. I can't wait to see all the costumes. I'm dressing up too. Pics to be posted on Monday!


Andrea H. said...

I see another Blue Baker Cookie Queen in your future!

Wonder Woman said...

I agree with Andrea! She is prepping for her future in competitive eating!

Celie said...

It's Tuesday- no pictures yet....