My Madness as a Stay at Home Mom

My Madness as a Stay at Home Mom

Thursday, February 26, 2009

For the peanut gallery

Well apparently I'm not updating enough. I will admit, I realize now that it's been since Valentine's Day that I put up new pictures. Sorry for the delay...however, I was in Kingwood last week so I do have a sort of excuse. While there we did the Tour de Kingwood, visiting all the great-grandparents daily...and Reese attended her FIRST Mardi Gras parade with her friend Henry. Henry is dying to date Reese ever since seeing her shake her "thang" to Beyonce on the blog about one month ago. We're excited Henry and his family just moved to Kingwood so now we can see them a whole lot more. Reese did get lots of beads, and we even brought them to share with the other kids on Fat Tuesday when I taught Stroller Strides.
Reese had a blast in Kingwood, as always, and she really took a liking to Sean. Usually she doesn't have much of a reaction at all to Sean, other than the hello and goodbye. However this time around she was all about Sean. She even cuddled with him at dinner. She loves her Uncle Sean.

Hanging out at the Sternson abode. Reese looks gigantic in this picture. Sorry Grandma I think you being vertically challenged is making Reese look like the Incredible Hulk.

Reese also enjoyed lots of time with Grandpa. Here he is helping her put her socks and shoes on. At one point he got up to go to the restroom...Reese walked all over the apartment and even looked out the window...she just kept saying "Grandpa...Grandpa" she was very glad when he returned.

Surrounded by the stuffed animals Grandma keeps for her to play with

Picture time with the Herbst Crew. Funny story...we were in Sam's today and an old man walked by us. She just saw him from the back and I will agree with her that the back of his head was just like Pop-pop's...haircut and color. She pointed to the man and said "Pop-pop" over and over again. I don't think she understood that it wasn't her Pop-Pop...she was just wanting to hang out with Karlie.

Playing with Aunt Sister (as I like to call her)

Playing with Nana

Nana goes to the garage sales and gets ALL kinds of loot for Reese to play with whenever we go visit

An unhappy camper after a nap that wasn't quite long enough. I don't know why she was crying, because prior to this she was having fun sitting on the couch with Leslie and MiMi. I think she wanted to pet Dusty
Trying to take a nap with Aunt Leslie. Reese just can't get enough of her "AL"

So happy to be with Sister

Warm enough in Corpus to wear a short sleeved dress in Feb. Really just unnatural.

Thanks for the dress MiMi.

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