My Madness as a Stay at Home Mom

My Madness as a Stay at Home Mom

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Reese and her tricks

I happen to LOVE breakfast for dinner. Ryan hates it. So when he is out of town I always indulge. Someone else I know likes pancakes too....She likes them A LOT Now I guess I can clean fingerprints off the glass.

Tug of war baby style

Just some videos for you to enjoy

Now this one is a RARE one...Ryan has helped with Reese's bath three times since we've moved. This video is Ryan helping his third time. He came into play at the end but she really loves when he is there, she gets so much more excited. I wish he would realize that more often.

1 comment:

Gail said...


You look like you are ready for some dancing - turing circles so well! Loved the videos - you are cutie!
