I finally uploaded some pictures we took on the camera this morning and figured it was time to entertain you all with two posts in less than a week. I know I’m really living on the edge these days.
25 weeks pregnant (this picture was taken about 3 weeks ago)
She needed a picture taken of just her
Reese started ballet two weeks ago so we have been dancing a lot at home. Here she is practicing ballet spins
Still working on spins
Doesn’t Thurman look great in his Princess night gown?
It was Ryan’s birthday yesterday so Reese and I baked some cupcakes. We made dark chocolate cupcakes with a Reese’s peanut butter cup inside, vanilla frosting and sprinkles, which Reese did all by herself. She insisted that she wear her chef’s hat while cooking.
She is always posing for the camera!
Sampling her work!
After singing Happy Birthday she finished it off with a ballet spin! She made him blow out the candles and sang before we even ate dinner.
Reese recently watched the Sandlot for the first time and has fallen in love with the movie. Last week at Stroller Strides she found a baseball in the park while we were working out at and brought it home. She was so excited to play ball with her Dad. She even had him write “Babe Ruth” on the ball, so she could have her own ball just like Smalls in the movie. Last night was their first practice.
Reese however thinks the object of the game is to throw the ball as high into the air as you can.
After baseball we headed to the driveway to hang up Ryan’s new fancy VERY easy to read rain gauge. We just so happened to have rain yesterday and the evening was topped off with this wonderful rainbow!
and as always Reese told me she had to “pose like a model” with the rainbow. We have our hands full.