My Madness as a Stay at Home Mom

My Madness as a Stay at Home Mom

Friday, June 25, 2010

French Toast Pizza

For all of those not privileged enough to experience the beauty of French Toast pizza on our last visit to Kingwood, please enjoy the video below. My cousin James talked a BIG game last week about his french toast pizza, (we had pizza for 20 people on Thursday night) so the next morning we held him to it and put him to work. I was slightly skeptical at the time, however upon completing my taste test I have to admit it was very tasty. I would even venture to cook it at home. Ryan poo-pooed the idea but when he tried it he also thought it was pretty good.


Maher Family said...

This is hilarious. Who came up with this??

Sara Bading said...

My cousin James came up with it. He's wacky but apparently makes one heck of a French Toast Pizza