So it’s obvious I haven’t had time to blog. I got all caught up in watching the first 2 seasons of Homeland on Showtime and it just sucked me in and wouldn’t let me go. It sucked Ryan in too. We were captivated. Stayed up WAY later than we normally do and were all consumed by this show. September can’t get here soon enough for us to watch Season 3. My goodness that show is great. So that is pretty much what we did with our kid free time. We put the kids to bed and watched Homeland. We were like crack addicts. Regular TV is a let down now.
Aside from our recent addiction, we played kickball every weekend, played outside a LOT and stayed pretty busy. No kickball pictures, because as I mentioned Ryan and I are the coaches so since we’re both on the field it’s hard to snap pictures when we’re shouting what base to run to, or where the next out is.
We have a great group of girls, some of the younger ones can try your patience, or tell you your hands look old, as I was told today but we have a pretty good team overall. If I was keeping score in my head, during a game where there is no official score kept, I’d let you know we won our game today by 1 run, not that I was counting.
Other than playing kickball, school and spending lots of time playing pretend Reese has been her regular old crazy self.
Brynn has been having verbal diarrhea. In the last two weeks her vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds. She has pretty much nailed the art of repeating everything you say. She says “Thurmie” which is great, because as stated 100 times before the girl LOVES that dog. She says more and more words everyday. She also started participating in WAY more songs than she had been and has been spinning around like a dizzy fool. She was spinning the other day just to make herself dizzy. It was hilarious. She said “bye bye” to her pacifier this weekend, so she is working on becoming a BIG girl!
Brynn LOVES saying “Bye bye” and jumping in her car to head out. This particular day she grabbed the glasses and purse like she was hitting the mall.
Last weekend it was gorgeous outside. Ryan went to Muster and I stayed home with the girls. We played outside the entire time. Brynn and Reese had a blast blowing bubbles, playing with rolly pollies and chasing the dog around.
One of my many joys, Reese wearing 45 outfits a day, including ones that are from when she was 3 years old that are entirely too short to be worn in public.
We have a VERY busy May, so here’s to hoping I bring my camera with me more places.
Here’s just a few pictures I found on Ryan’s phone from the last month
Ryan and Reese go to the Kid Workshop at Home Depot on the 1st Saturday every month. April was building a birdfeeder.
Brynn on our way out to breakfast
Kickball night at the Corpus Christi Hooks. The team got to be on the field.
Reese on the field during the National Anthem
Brynn on a trampoline at a birthday party
Same birthday party pony rides
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