I haven’t made a post since Father’s Day, sorry for the delay. We had a big couple weeks. Reese had swim lessons everyday for 2 weeks, we headed to Kingwood for our annual 4th of July celebration with Chips and back home again for Brynn to make some major moves.
Ryan turned 33, so I made an awesome cookie cake I found from Pintrest and we had a party.
I forgot to bring my camera home for 4th of July, but Brynn got to meet Chips, the great-grandmothers got to enjoy the girls, and Reese got to improve her swimming skills even more in Meme and Grampy’s pool. You could hardly keep the girl out of the water. She’s a fish that is for sure, and pretty dang good at swimming if you ask me. She’s also perfected her cannonball.
This week we hit the park one night after dinner for some fun. Brynn turned 10 months old on the 8th, so here are a few shots of her at 10 months. I can not believe we almost have a one year old on our hands.
This week Brynn got her first tooth, started army crawling, mastered the art of sitting up in her crib (she did it a week earlier but it was a one time deal until this week) and stood up in her crib as well.
On Wednesday I lowered her crib one level because she was sitting up more in there and I caught her standing up in there. Well today (Sunday), we lowered it again, because now nap time translates to stand up time and she was bound to fall out at some point. She would stand on her tippi toes which meant she had a large amount of upper body that was able to lean over the crib rail and I was fearful she would lurch herself over if she tried. Plus this morning she was wiggling the tower fan I have close to her bed, so now she can stand up in there but not reach too much of her hands out.
In the last two days Brynn has gotten VERY mischievous and has been in EVRYTHING. She was pulling herself to stand up on the rocking chair in her room and as I type this, she’s going through the dog toys which she proudly drug herself over to. She’s still not interested in fully crawling and I am afraid she’s going to go right to walking. Only time will tell but she is getting herself into trouble every time you turn your head. She LOVES clapping at herself too. Kobe is visiting up this week and Brynn is in LOVE with that dog. She’s also been getting really excited when Ryan comes home from work.
SOOOO proud of herself!
After a failed attempt at playing in her crib I found her asleep like this. I moved her after I took the picture because there is no way she was comfortable like that.
I think I will be busy chasing Brynn around this week, wish me luck.